The Purpose Of Water Towers At Rocket Launch Sites
Take a closer look at a rocket launch site before liftoff, and you will notice several tall structures around the launchpad. One of them is the water tower, which raises…
Take a closer look at a rocket launch site before liftoff, and you will notice several tall structures around the launchpad. One of them is the water tower, which raises…
Most readers will be familiar with the awe-inspiring display orbital rockets put up when firing their thrusters to reach Space. But when astronauts or a spacecraft need to return to…
Rockets need to produce a massive amount of thrust to break free from Earth’s gravity and put payloads of up to 100 tons into orbit. The fuel they use plays…
Judging the true scale of orbital rockets is challenging as they vary in size and are often viewed from a distance. However, their approximate size can be estimated by looking…
What appears to be steam, which is often seen emitted from a rocket while on a launchpad, is primarily excess oxygen being vented from the vehicle. It raises the question…
Frequent viewers of live rocket launches will know the crucial role weather plays in the success, delay, or even cancellation/scrub of any orbital launch very well. But how exactly does…
Rockets seem to “effortlessly” push through the air with their aerodynamic shape while accelerating into Space. However, without any type of wing or tail structure, it may be difficult to…
Rockets are technological marvels capable of escaping Earth’s gravity, reaching Space, and exploring other celestial bodies in our Solar System. Surprisingly, the principles of rocket engineering date back centuries. An…
As space agencies like NASA look to return astronauts to the Moon with its Artemis Program, and SpaceX is aiming for Mars with its Starship, more public focus is returning…
Orbital rocket technology has come a long way since the early years of the Space Race between the United States and the former Soviet Union. Yet, occasionally, they still explode…